The stock market in Hong Kong is fluctuating a lot these days like our mood of holiday.
Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend.
These are tips I got from the internet and I searched it for myself as well.
1. "Freeze" Screen
This is the most common one. Perhaps, my computer does not like linux system.
Here are some handy tips.
i.) Quit a program if you can still use your mouse and keyboard
This is similar to when you use windows. You press "CTRL+ALT+DELETE" to end a process
In Ubuntu, you can go to System-> Administration -> System Monitor.
However, if you think this is tedious. You can place a short cut of "Force quit" in your bar.
Right click and then select "Add to panel"
ii. Control +Alt+ Backspace
This is what I usually do. If you Ubuntu crash, press Ctrl + Alt + Backspace‘. This will quit all programs forcefully and you will be returned to logout screen.
If this works, you can login again.
iii. Alt + SysRq (With Fn key if possible)+ K
Please be noted that SysRq is under PrtSysRq button.
Similar to 2, it will log you out.
iv. Alt + SysRq + ‘R’ ‘E’ ‘I’ ‘S’ ‘U’ ‘B’ (In correct order)
The system will process a series of tasks automatically and then reboot itself. Time consumption is a lot for this one.
It is recommended you do this one if there is no other choices.
2. Rescue GRUB
I guess some of you may sometimes incorrectly setup GRUB (Maybe you are using windows loader as your default loader). There is a crash and you see that your computer cannot be booted to your OS.
Just chill down, put in your live CD (USB or other external storage sources which has Ubuntu) and type these magical words.
sudo update-grub
sudo grub-install /dev/sda
You must type these one by then your computer can be rescued. You can go to your linux again and you can choose to re-install your ubuntu again.
These are what I faced these few weeks.
Hopefully, it could help you a bit.
Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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